Brian Creese
Educational researcher and project
Over the past 12 years I have been largely working on projects for
the FE Sector, specialising in literacy and numeracy (English and maths). I led
the ‘Standards Unit’ projects Improving learning in mathematics (
and Improving practice in foundation
learning as well as working on Thinking
through mathematics (
Since joining the Institute of Education (now UCL IOE) I have led a series of
projects for LSIS and ETF including Motivating
adult Skills for Life learners to persist, progress and achieve (LSIS), Specialist LLN Learning Support Practitioner
pilots (LLUK), Flexible models of
delivery (LSIS) and Heading for
Success (BIS). Recently I have been working on projects around the criminal
justice sector in particular looking at the information gleaned by the
mandatory English and maths assessments for all new prisoners.
As a researcher I have worked with the Ministry of Defence
on the Armed Forces Longitudinal Study
a three year mixed methods research project looking at the impact of low
literacy and numeracy skills on the operational impact on the armed services, a
BIS study on the impact of poor basic skills on employers (
and an evaluation of the English and maths ‘Distance travelled’
pathfinders (also for BIS).
In the wider education field I have project managed a number of large
cross-departmental projects at UCL Institute of Education. The largest was,
perhaps the International Instructional
systems Study
for the Center on International Education Benchmarking, based in
Washington DC (
This was a comparative study across 11 jurisdictions across the globe, and
involved over 50 UCL Institute of Education staff as well as many overseas
academics. The final reports were all co-authored between myself and Dr Tina
Isaacs. The Development of a learning outcomes framework was a project for the
Maltese Government which involved redesigning the Maltese curriculum in over 25
subject areas. This involved around 30 staff and required constant processes
for feedback, comment and verification from subject experts in Malta.
Since becoming co-director
of the Centre for Education in the Criminal Justice Sector (CECJS), I have
produced a number of reports and articles on the basic skills levels of the
England prison community (
I have also been working with a private company, Ingeus,
in exploring what a new and effective prison education system might look like
if based rigorously on research evidence. This project is ongoing. I have also
organised the last two CECJS Conferences (
For three years I was the
Faculty Director for Consultancy and Knowledge Transfer, have taught regularly
on the Post compulsory maths PGCE course and recently been a co-author of the
book Training to teach adults mathematics. I have also been a regular
‘Blogger’ on the IOE Blog site (
If you think I may be able to help
you with your next project, in any capacity, please do contact me and we can
discuss your needs and requirements.
Mobile: 07860 104012
Please click here to
download a list of projects I have worked on while
at UCL Institute of Education and links to reports and articles.